Sep 25, 2007

U were saying???

I learnt how to phase out in 2nd semester... the reason being that I didnt attend anything in my 1st semester at college... nothing, nil, nada, zilch... i guess u get the point... so basically even though i rarely attend anything in college, i tend to phase out whatever is happening around... i believe i have finally mastered the art... i look suitably interested but in my mind i tend to venture into another world... earlier it was restricted to lectures... maybe college has taken over so much of my time that i find myself tuning out while having conversations... and i see these movies where characters tune in and out at will and i feel myself increasingly becoming like that... im not apathetic, its just that i despise monotony... repetition bores the hell out of me... and sometimes i find conversations so boring that i enter into my own world... the depths of my subconscious... the formula is always the same... look like ur interested, keep saying things like umm, uh-huh, yup, seriously!! et cetera and u should be just fine..
and it woprks the other way too.. sometimes i phase out when im the one doing the talking... one minute i say something and the next minute i completely blank out on where the conversation was headed... and i also tend to jump back and forth unexpectedly and for short durations!!... its weird... but it comes in handy in classes... too bad i dont even attend 10% of my classes to put my skills to use!!.. :D
maybe it also has something to do with a space constraint... too many thoughts.. too little space to store most of them!!!.. my head is so full of useless knowledge that i possibly cant store any new thoughts... if only i had Dumbledore's Pensieve!!!...


abhartiya said...

haha..well said! this happens to me all the time but i never imagined somebody'd put it in words so rock!

Ab said...

hehe.... that was funny.. and so true... even i space out while talking but never on purpose... and classrooms, while i used to attend, yeah, it was tuning out wenever i didn like it (i think thats same with most ppl) but that wasnt often, bcos in class, id usually be sleeping or singing, which means th lectures never bothered memuch.. and th teachers used to stick toi the principle of 'let sleeping dogs lie'

Gopal Balakrishnan said...

well had you thot of this before and pennned it down 2 years ago...the people from scrubbs would have to pay you royalty...and about stuff in never know which inconspicuous looking data might spring up to rescue you from the monotony of life...
oh and one more thing are u an engineer?? coz you're showing the symptoms

Irreversibly Screwed said...

@ wacko
i was feeling a little low and ur comment really brought a smile to my face... thanx!!.. :-)

@ ab
lucky u... our teachers insist on waking u up and asking questions about what was being taught... the only difference is that even people who were awake cant usually answer!!..

@ gbalakrishnan
u got it right... engineer in making!!!.. i guess its the same with all of us!!.. thanks for dropping by.. :D

WritingsForLife said...

oh tell me about it. I phase out all the time myself.
Not a very good thing to adopt i must say, but sometimes phasing out is the best thing to do otherwise this cruel world will drive us nuts!

lemon said...

i used to do that in school..believe me its just a phase!

Adicrazy said...

Well, I need a pensieve too!! I go blank all the freaking time...
Great post!

Adicrazy said...

Blogrolling ya!
Blog on...


Dimple Nangia said...

lol! gr8 stuff...
totally relate to it :) that blank out happens to me too! hehe
people think i have a bad memory... but they just don't get that i drift away into my!

Amandeep Singh said...

I know how it is...
Feel like laughin out..
But ya it all true..
All thebest..and nothing in the mind is useless...everything will be used!
blive me on that..!!