May 7, 2007


so thanks to Lemonade, i sent in my blog to be reviewed by Critique My Blog... this is what they had to say... im so happy today!!!... lol... cheap thrills!!!..

It doesn't surprise me to find that I really enjoyed this blog...New to the blog world, this blogger from Delhi is a 19 year old who has a knack for writing in a style that sounds like conversation. The blogger's personality jumps off the screen and it is clear to see that this blog can become a winner if she decides to continue the blog. The posts are short and the writing is compelling. The format is simple with not a lot of bells and whistles to take away from the story. Young bloggers do a great job at keeping the content fresh. Well done!

and just to prove that im not making this stuff up.. here's the link... if only people could see my face... im all smiles... :)


lemon said...

congrats chica...!!we're critiquemyblog family now..!! :)

bornfortheu.s.a said...

it seems lemonade has started a revolution!! lol...welcoem to the critiquemyblog family!!!

Shruti said...

Ya i have seen a Lemonade blog.its cool and refreshing..
Take care..

Ab said...

cool.... well, yr blog is definitely a cool read...

u know the best part about reading most of these light blogs is that it takes of a lot of the pressure of whatever is weighing on yr mind... like a 5 minute holiday to some other land!

once in a while i try to write ordinary stuff... but i always overdo it, which is why i dont do it regularly. anyways, im just seeing my blog as a workshop to experiment on styles....