* Each player starts with eight random facts/habits about themselves.* People who are tagged need to write posts in their own blog about their eight things and post these rules.
* At the end of your post, you need to choose eight people to get tagged and list their names.
- I have zillions of cousins though very strangely i tend to get along more with the paternal side of my family... atleast most of them...
- I absolutely love dogs but cant keep any coz most of my family is terrified of them...
- I made sure that the title of this post was 3 letters long with a couple of !!!! to see how long i can do this after Hershey's last comment... :-P.. im weird...
- I dont like people who are too like me coz they freak me out!!
- I usually cry when I talk to someone I really care about and things aren't fine between us... and I hate it when I do it!!!!....
- I cant stand it when people write LOOSER instead of LOSER!!!... wht losers!!!!!
- I love playing board games... Pictionary, Taboo, Life, Boggle, Scrabble, Acquire, Stock Market, Ludo etc.. etc..
- I hate repeat HATE it when people drag up old stuff in new fights!!!... we already fought about it... i cant keep giving explanations for things i did 4 months ago every single time we disagree!!!... perfect example: MOM!!!.. ;-)
phew... so now i tag Soul Intoxicated, Hershey, Standby mode, *D* and anyone else who hasnt been tagged with this one yet and is still reading!!!... enjoy!!!