Jan 29, 2008

Here we go again!!!

first the (valid) excuse for disappearing from blogsville for so long.. my room's being renovated and i hardly get time to use the laptop to surf the net.. its almost done so ill have my PC up in no time.. also im heading for placements next month so things r a little hectic..

now coming back to the post.. after taking more than a year off getting over that #@&%$@#, im dating someone..
i wrote this about a month back when i wasnt sure whether i liked this guy or not.. seems like i do.. ;-)

and it starts again..
the constant looking for deliery reports in the cell phone.. the glances in the mirror to check how red u r when u think of them.. the waiting for them to come online for a 5 minute chat on gtalk that usually lasts well over an hour or two.. the furtive looks at the cell phone when ur out with friends to check for missed calls or msgs.. the checking ur email inbox every 2 hours for a new mail from them.. the reading old chats (god bless gtalk!!) that bring a smile to ur face.. the realization how much u miss them even though u explained to urself that u probably shouldn't..
spells T-R-O-U-B-L-E!!..

P.S.- as for GOA, it was rocking!!.. sandy beaches, chilled beer, water sports, partying with friends.. bliss!!..


Anonymous said...

ha... so do you need to be 'in love' to do all those things? like checking delivery reports and hoping agaiinst hope for someone to come online... i do that all the time..

but then, i guess i was almost in love! but well, i guess im still learning.. and im trying to remain solo!!!!!


WritingsForLife said...

good luck!! I suppose you should take it slow... but never shut your heart because you had an encounter with an awful person once upon a time.

abhartiya said...

whoaa..i think you are me! lol okay lame..i just mean to say you so sound like me..as in female me or somethin...don temme..ur thingy started off online too..did it?

and yeah goa was awesome for me too..beer i tell you! :D

ciao sometime round

Irreversibly Screwed said...

@ ab
who said anything about being 'in love'??.. i just like someone.. its too early to comment anyway.. :-)

@ raaji
thanks.. though i am taking it slow.. lets see..

@ wacko
mine was more like friends first and holidays falling in between.. i have this thing that i cant date someone i dont know well so its always friends first.. i know its screwed up but whatever!!..

Ab said...

watever :)......
but anyway, is it much different?

Ab said...

hey so ACs out... maybe we'll cheer ManU together.....

remember yr post 'WTF'? that was when i started following yr blog...

Anonymous said...
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Sachin Garg said...

belated best wishes, if you are still together.

Irreversibly Screwed said...


well well... i cant believe they lost to Chelsea.. but now its going to be even more exciting.. they are going to kick Chelsea's ass in EPL and CL!!.. go ManU!!

@ sachin

thanks for dropping by.. see u around..