Nov 9, 2007

Enough with the whining... already!!!

sometimes i wonder when did my mind become so corrupt??... when did i lose the innocence of laughing on a nice clean joke... now all my jokes have hidden meanings... the first reaction when someone says something is to imagine all possible dirty interpretations... i was never the kind who got all the dirty jokes but now i laugh even before most guys can think of the 'other' meaning... is it wrong for a girl to understand things too much... its pretty obvious and usually hits bulls eye!!!.. just because i get all sexual jokes doesnt make me loose!!.. it just means i dont pretend if i understand things and my IQ isnt as low!!!.. maybe i dont live in an open enough society where a girl can be as tough as a guy without being termed fast.. maybe guys see it as a threat.. maybe they dont have the balls to accept a girl with guts and a cheeky tongue.. most people dont bother really knowing u.. even 'friends'.. everyone judges u for who they think u r... stupid hypocrites!!!..

i just realized that most of my posts thesedays have something to do with people judging me all the time and my being frustrated with those very people... in my defence its my blog and that is exactly what im going through!!!... i just feel a little abandoned.. its one of those days when nothing goes wrong but nothing really goes right either.. i feel frustrated with nothing happening... its driving me up the wall.. its forcing me to think and usually not very pleasant thoughts.. it makes me feel lonely and i hate the mere thought of it.. the desire to be accepted... im too much of an outcast already though most of the times i dont bother about it... but i guess i dont always like to take the road less travelled... fear of rejection??.. maybe.. but mostly i hate feeling distant from the ones i care about... finally im getting this out of my system... no more whining about this!!!... here's to better days!!.. :)


abhartiya said...

aww..tis okay naa that you get all the jokes and laugh at em..sigh i wish you were here with me...I always liked hangin out with such people but sigh here girls dont even get the hint of wht m tokin bout most of the times..tis just that uve been growing out of that teenage thingy..ull certainly like this phase a lot once u get a close group of understandin and matured friends round u..believe me it happens! thse days ive certainly figured out, girls mature unusually fast...


Dimple Nangia said...

I can completely understand you coz I go through it too :D

Lol, I get the damn jokes too. Usually before anyone. Sometimes I crack really bad ones too myself. And trust me, I am not ashamed of it. Like sometimes I wonder what my friends will think of me but then most of the time, I just say whatever the hell I want...your life is about what you think of yourself, not what others think. So say what you have to, is what I've realized over couple of months. And maybe its all weird and stuff earlier, it gets better. My guy friends treat me (in some matters) as a guy only. I don't mind. I like it infact. Much better than talking about clothes and shoes all the damn time!!
SO its all good :)

Ab said...

//I Just realized that most of my posts thesedays have something to do with people judging me all the time and my being frustrated with those very people//

yes, and all my comments to yr posts these days, are agreeing with you.. so its just that someone else is going thru th same thing..

and ya, its true... even I grew sick of whining... and decided nothing in the world is gonna bother me any more... th decision was taken last week, and Im doing fine...
so i went to a concert yesterday 'alone' without feeling bad about it, and I am going to all th christmas concerts in December 'alone' and I aint gonna feel blue... haha.. and th next time I get a holiday, Ill just sleep if Im jobless, and never complain, and the next time I want to go shopping, well, I dont know what Ill do, but i guess, the world is gonna have to do with me wearing stuff out of the 90's.... hehe... well, cheers!

Anonymous said...

Theres nothing wrong with laughing/cracking dirty jokes. As long as your jokes aren't aimed at hurting anyone.

If theres too much thinking involved it kills the jokes.

lemon said...

im usually the slowest one to get jokes so i can't really say anything here.

whining..its a problem we all suffer don't worry about it..

WritingsForLife said...

i can so relate to you when it comes to jokes... see i am worse... i have this ability to actually crack sexual jokes myself, WITHOUT intending to do so... and usually whenever i say something like that, i am usually in the presence of a couple of guys (thank god my own friends)
but its always hilarious yet quite embarrassing for me.
I swear i don't mean to do this but it just happens.

forget about what people think, just laugh it off... people are going to judge you anyway, no matter how good or bad you are... at least live your life the way you want to...

Anonymous said...

give a damn to the people s rantings!!

John F said...

nice expressions but is getting some silly jokes really that big an issue?

Irreversibly Screwed said...

oh dear... i wasnt whining about my getting the dirty jokes.. i love saying things that leave some girls wondering what i meant.. it was just about people not being mature enough.. but i guess it sounded like i dont like having an IQ.. anyway it is awesome fun.. probably had something to do with my state of mind that day.. :-)

Anonymous said...

Your blog keeps getting better and better! Your older articles are not as good as newer ones you have a lot more creativity and originality now. Keep it up!
And according to this article, I totally agree with your opinion, but only this time! :)

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